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Urogenital & Gynecological Health Program (UGHP)

The Standardized Patient Program’s Urogenital and Gynecological Health Program is a practical, hands-on, educational program, where learners are provided the opportunity to develop the clinical skill set necessary to perform breast/chest, rectal, pelvic, genital and testicular exams.

Urogenital standardized patients (USPs) and gynecological standardized patients (GSPs) act as physical exam models for learners while under the instruction of a faculty member or tutor.

Urogenital teaching associates (UTAs) and gynecological teaching associates (GTAs) are specially trained to provide instruction and guidance on how to perform breast/chest and pelvic or genital and rectal examinations, utilizing their own body as a tool of instruction. Both UTAs and GTAs provide a unique patient-centred perspective, in a supportive, non-threatening environment, when guiding learners through the exam(s) and provide the advantage of not needing a faculty or tutor present in the room.

As an extension of the UGHP, the Standardized Patient Program (SPP) offers full gynecological health workshops, including didactic instruction in addition to the hands-on clinical component. For details and registration, please visit the Continuing Professional Development Office website.

For more information about the Urogenital and Gynecological Health Program, please email Nicole Last.

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