McMaster University Programs
Standardized patients (SPs) may be requested by any program within McMaster University to support educational or evaluative sessions. Any faculty member, tutor, preceptor or staff affiliated with an accredited program is welcome to request an SP, if such resources are supported and approved by their program director, manager or equivalent.
External Schools, Courses and Continuing Education
The Standardized Patient Program (SPP) accepts requests to support educational activities outside of McMaster accredited programs.
Depending on content and purpose, the request may be reviewed by both the Centre for Simulation-Based Learning and the Continuing Professional Development Office to ensure appropriate academic content, instructor qualifications and adherence to sponsorship rules. When the learner audience is comprised of both McMaster and non-McMaster learners, such requests are generally considered an external educational event.
Non-Educational Requests for SPs
External organizations may also request SPs for use in non-educational activities, such as staff training. The administrator of the SPP will review each request on a case-by-case basis to determine suitability of the SPP’s involvement.