As standardized patients (SPs), you are contributing to the education of learners, not only in clinical skills and communication, but also empathy and compassion. You are representing the community around us, to provide a realistic – and safe – experience in which to learn.
In seeking to build an inclusive community, McMaster University strives to embody the following values:
- A respectful community is one where freedom of expression, belief and diversity of knowledge occur in a framework of dignity, respect and public engagement.
- A collaborative community is one where participants jointly move the academic vision forward in respectful and non-confrontational ways, having regard for personal and collective safety and well-being.
- A diverse community is one that enables us to learn from our differences and that affirms our shared accountability for achieving access, equity and meaningful inclusion of under-represented groups at all levels of the campus community.
All standardized patients will endeavour to represent these values in all interactions with others, recognizing that some role portrayals may require difficult/challenging behaviour.
McMaster University’s Discrimination & Harassment Policy (PDF) prohibits discrimination and/or harassment on the grounds articulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code:
- Age
- Ancestry, colour, race
- Citizenship
- Ethnic origin
- Place of origin
- Creed
- Disability
- Family status
- Marital status (including single status)
- Gender identity, gender expression
- Receipt of public assistance (in housing only)
- Record of offences (in employment only)
- Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
- Sexual orientation
All standardized patients will abide by this policy at all times.