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Hours of Work

Standardized patients are hired as casual, temporary employees of McMaster University, on limited term contracts.

Hours of work are irregular and sporadic. The Standardized Patient Program (SPP) cannot guarantee a fixed number of hours, as availability of bookings is dependent on multiple factors. Standardized patients (SPs) will be offered shifts as suitable and can accept or decline the offer. This makes the position very flexible and ideal for a student, someone looking for a second job, a retiree or any person looking to augment their income with a position that offers flexibility in their schedule.

SPs are paid an hourly rate on a biweekly basis.

How are shifts offered?

The primary criteria for selection of offering shifts is based on the demographic needs of the case, if they are specified.

Beyond that, shifts are offered based on roster (i.e., physical exams), then SP comfort and skill level.